Saturday, July 2, 2011


Maeve has a little bag full of girl scout badges. I hadn't realized she had so many badges! That little trooper!

Anyway - on to the lesson! Or... blog, excuse me! Lydia was gone for the past week and I missed her terribly, this got me thinking about appreciation. Those who know me know that, once I get started thinking about appreciation, I go overboard!

There are many summer things to appreciate. The other night, I went to a backyard movie night at Walker's house. We watched 'Airplane!'. I played some Messiaen on the piano for Hugh, who is a big Messiaen fan. I appreciate that he loves Messiaen and gets a kick out of 'Apparition de l'Eglise Eternelle'. I appreciate just how gorgeous Andrea is, inside and out. I appreciate that Walker can put on these events on such short notice. Hugh gave me a slice of Boston cream pie which I had to eat with my bare hands which then got very messy and sticky - I appreciated that. We had a water balloon fight and I came out unscathed, partly because I'm a big sissy. Walker wasn't so lucky! I appreciated that!

I appreciate being FREE! Yay!

I appreciate Darren's humor and three hour phone conversations with him! I appreciate Robert's knowledge! I appreciate their appreciation of all great music! I appreciate their friendship! I appreciate Dr. Decker, Dorothy, Mark, and Mr. Glass! I appreciate Mr. Roberts! I appreciate getting locked out of Harrisburg parking garages! I appreciate that Lydia lives in walking distance and I can just go hang out with her whenever! I appreciate Dick Johnson's and Rees's humor! I appreciate all my Indy friends! I appreciate goofballs at AGO conventions! I appreciate going places with Courtney and Jet Puff! I appreciate BTE and the summer musical and being in the pit orchestra! I appreciate Sabo and the pictures and posters she makes for me! I appreciate everybody and everything that makes me happy - whether it's intentional or not! I appreciate all my friends past, present and future! I appreciate my family and my teachers! I appreciate those who make life great for me and I hope I can do my part to make life great for them too!

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