Monday, July 25, 2011

Love and Companionship can be Painful Reminders...

The past two days I've spent mostly at my friend Lydia's house. We watched the Beavis and Butt-head movie and 'The Bucket List', had a picnic, got soaked in the rain, talked, played life and just had a wonderful time. I love her so much and I truly appreciate the time I spend with her and her family. That being said, spending this time around them and thinking about how much I appreciate them gets my emotions going. Sometimes, it makes me think of things I regret and things I have lost. Now, in this reflectively sentimental state, I'm thinking about mistakes I've made - and how sorry I am for them. I love Lydia so much. However, thinking about that love - thinking about how much I love her and how beautiful she is - reminds me of how much I have loved others, some of whom I have lost, some of whom I have grown apart from.

1 comment:

Doug Jensen said...

I lost my beautiful 18-year old son and best friend Chris. I live with a tug of war between my wonderful memories of our times together, and the pain of knowing those memories are all I will ever have. I pray that you will never have to experience such pain.