Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A great, true quote

"If we don't halt population growth with justice and compassion, it will be done for us by nature, brutally and without pity - and will leave a ravaged world."
~ Dr. Henry W. Kendall, Nobel Prize Winning American Particle Physicist

The Family

A husband, a wife, two or three kids. Quite idealistic? Well, it has been the standard unit here in America for much time, recently it's moved towards a unit with only one parent, or at least only one biological parent. It seems to me that many people, even my age, seem to aspire to have a family such as the first listed one. A husband, a wife, and two or three children.
I say no.
It's clear we're coming to the point where there are too many people! Understand that no one group is the excess, but still there is an excess of people and people are having three, four, five, six children, divorcing, remarrying and sometimes having more offspring... the rate at which our population is growing will only become faster and faster. The population will continue to grow larger and larger, faster and faster and we cannot keep up with it. We as a species cannot say the next generation will take care of this problem (by being more responsible than ourselves!). If we continue like this... the next generation may not have the chance. Resources and space are limited and the structure of our society (and government) must constantly change to accommodate new numbers. It is essential that we create a stasis for the population size of our country and of the world.
When I was in the eighth grade, a teacher of mine said that couples who choose not to have children choose so out of selfishness. I hadn't realized that it was selfish not to contribute to the destabilization of society on Earth, not to hinder future generations with irresponsibility. I suppose the selfless thing to do would be continue down this path of certain destruction? All this for American tradition? For societal tradition? When will the people of this country and this planet come to their senses and leave expected tradition behind? It is a dangerous thing.
It is not an infringement on human rights to limit the number of children a couple may have, rather, it is an infringement on human rights to allow the people of the world to produce all the offspring they please and doom future generations.
There is another reason not related to our irresponsible and out of control population growth. It is not right to be birthing biological children while children without a home, without parents need a home and parents. Until there are no children left to adopt, I believe anybody wanting to start a family should adopt. It isn't right to create new human beings while others already existing need help desperately.
A husband, a wife, two or three biological children? No way. Not for me, and hopefully you'll give it some thought as well. Societal expectations like these are dangerous, think about it.