Monday, July 11, 2011

Recital Success!

My third professional solo recital was a success! I played very well and was confident from start to finish. We had approximately 87 audience members in attendance and raised just under $300 in free-will donations. Here is a picture of myself speaking before the final piece on my program.

My dear friend, one of my very dearest in fact, Darren Motise came down from Poughkeepsie, NY just to see me in recital. Darren, Courtney and I had lunch at Prana Juice Bar and the Namaste Cafe on Friday, followed by a trip to the mall. After the recital, my grandparents, the Deckers, some school friends and Darren and I went to dinner at Rosemarie's - talking about everything from what groups of people we would send to jail if we ruled the world, how intriguing/disgusting the Tyra Banks show is, dead deer, and much more. After dinner, we borrowed a lighter from a guy in reflections and set of fire crackers in the church parking lot - at midnight!
The next day, Julia, Andrea, Courtney and I had brunch with Darren at Bloomin' Bagels and bid our farewells until next time! Here's a picture of us taken by Darren:

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