Saturday, February 5, 2011

Great Developments at First Presbyterian

Update: I'm now going to be doing all my posting on my everyday page! :-)

So what is new? Yesterday I met with Thomas Dressler, a notable organist and harpsichordist. Thomas is coming to Bloomsburg to play a concert at the First Presbyterian Church this upcoming Autumn. I met with Robert Fertitta, noted organist and musicologist in Connecticut, in December. Robert is playing a concert at the First Presbyterian Church this April.

Bright things are in the future for the music program at the First Presbyterian Church of Bloomsburg!

Thomas Dressler and myself at the organ
From 2000-2009, we had only one organ concert at First Presbyterian. The concert was in 2003; the organist was the German virtuoso, Felix Hell. In 2010 I played my premier recital, marking the beginning of many more concerts to come. This year, we'll see three organ concerts: one in April, by Robert Fertitta, one in May, by myself, and one in the Autumn, by Thomas Dressler. That makes four organ concerts in the past two years, as compared to one in the preceding ten years. That's all on top of the two piano concerts we have had by accomplished pianist Dr. Dylan Savage in the past two years.

Thomas Dressler, testing the organ at First Presbyterian
With more concerts, more opportunities to bring great music of all kinds to the town of Bloomsburg, and with our new Blüthner Concert Grand piano, everything is looking bright for the music program at First Presbyterian!

These improvements are unbelievably exciting!

I am so happy helping to bring great music to Bloomsburg, and that incredibly skilled musicians out there are willing to come all the way to Bloomsburg to play concerts for quite low pay (donations/free will offerings are the only source of revenue for these concerts). The generosity of these musicians is astounding. I am delighted to the extreme for their willingness to share great music with people in this community.

By the way, if you're in the are, you're INVITED(!) to come to all three organ concerts this year. I think they will all be fabulous events!

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