I've acted in four or five professional plays with the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble and in my 8th grade year, I played the main antagonist in my Middle School's play. I enjoyed all these experiences and cherished many memories from them. That being said, I also participated in my High School's 2010 production of 'The Sound of Music' which we closed just a few days ago, and this play far, far outshines the others in my mind. The interesting thing is, I didn't even act, I was on the tech crew, changing sets!
Something about the play, the story, the music, our cast, our crew, our directors, our dedication... all this made it so much more worth while and so much more touching.
I made new friends, Danielle and Ashley, and learned what the high school musical was all about. I had plenty of fun and there was goofing around at times, but I also accomplished a ton and felt fantastic about the work I'd completed. We started a new play tradition, backstage rubber band wars during intermission and before performances (one which had us in trouble when we were too loud!) which I'm sure we will continue for years to come. I saw wonderful actors and singers struggle with their roles a few months before performance time. I saw confusion and everything else that comes with learning, but what I didn't see was people giving up or giving anything less than their best. Because of this, we were able to put on an incredible show and I saw wonderful actors and singers play their parts perfectly when the big day came around and we performed in front of an audience of over 700. I could not possibly be more proud of every last member of our wonderful cast and crew. Great job to all!
After the last performance, we spent roughly two hours taking the set apart, which was very emotional for me, though I didn't show it. I took a picture of some of the screws which had held our set together. Many people cried for different reasons before, after, and even during the last performance, but it wasn't until the next day when I looked at this picture that I cried. There are great memories in these screws and they've had a huge impact on me.
Every second I spent in that auditorium with you lovely people was one I will never forget!
Endless thanks to Latsha, Kate, Mamma Yates, Danielle, Ashley, Zach, Trevs, and Darbs. I love you all so much!
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